Imperfect Cracked Pots

Recording of Gina Swinney’s sermon.

Though many of us live our lives in a seeming quest for perfection, there is much more joy to be found in embracing our imperfections. It is through the imperfect we become whole and mature, both emotionally and spiritually. If words such as “”perfectionist” or “type-A personality” have ever been used to describe you, then perhaps you have fallen victim to the cultural influence requiring you to be flawless. Because we hold such high standards for ourselves,(and tear ourselves down when we don’t measure up) we expect others to meet our high bar as well. This tendency is a breeding ground for division and lack of acceptance of people whose lives are different from ours. Until we can accept ourselves, imperfections and all, we will struggle to accept others.

  • Speaker: Gina Swinney
  • Worship Leader: Alan Shear

After the service, we invite you to stay for coffee and conversation. We will offer an orientation for visitors and newcomers after the service 12:15-1:15pm.

To Attend in Person

In accordance with CDC guidance, masks and vaccination are optional. We will ask you to sign in with your contact information for possible contact tracing. We ask you let us know if you find you have a COVID infection within a week of attending a service. 

To Attend Online

We conduct our services live on the Zoom platform to allow for a more interactive experience. You will need to have the free Zoom app on your device and have it updated to the latest version.

Use this link to join us on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 847 0286 6562 Passcode: 929464

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