The first service I attended at Tree of Life unexpectedly brought me to tears. Joyful tears because I felt a belonging, like I was with kindred spirits. I was welcomed in by warm friendly people genuinely interested in who I am. Imagine a church where it doesn’t matter where you come from or what your … Continue reading Maureen Skuban
Member Testimonials
At TOL, I have found a welcoming community which actively challenges me to continue exploring my personal faith journey within the context of the wonderfully rich framework of UU principles.

Worship is a core ministry of Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation. This video generally describes worship and its importance at Tree of Life.
Tree of Life has a long history of making a difference in the world. Here is a inspiring but incomplete look at some of our recent activities.
Watch this video of testimonials showing the importance of Unitarian Universalist faith development at Tree of Life UU Congregation.
At the beginning of every Sunday Service at Tree of Life we recall our purpose together starting with the words: “We journey as a family toward: Spiritual Growth…” Tree of Life supports me in my spiritual journey while not requiring me to follow a particular doctrine. As a former Catholic who loved the ritual but … Continue reading Irene Raven