Category: Religious Education

Trunk or Treat

Saturday, October 30, 2021, 3:30-5:30pm In the parking lot of Tree of Life All ages are welcomed- that means teens and adults too! You are encouraged to decorate your car and come in costume for a festive good time. Come to trick! Come to treat! Adults are encouraged to bring candy or small prizes to hand … Continue reading Trunk or Treat

A New Year of Religious Education Begins Next Week

RE Calendar 9/19/21 Opening Day of RE 10/10/21 No RE Indigenous Persons Day (Columbus Day weekend) 11/28/21 No RE Thanksgiving weekend (some digital work may be done on the pageant as need and availability dictates) 12/12/21-1/2/2022 No RE (tentative) Winter Break Happy Fall, and welcome back to the Religious Education program! Classes for all ages … Continue reading A New Year of Religious Education Begins Next Week

Staff Changes in Works

Considering the religious education needs of the children and familiesof our congregation as we move forward through both the transitionprocess of an interim ministry and the uncertainties of the pandemic,and in recognition of the outstanding service Heather Madaus hasprovided to our religious education program over the past several years,the Board decided to ask Heather if … Continue reading Staff Changes in Works

Beyond Inquirers

Have you completed the Inquirers Series? Are you seeking a way to deepen your learning and engagement with the congregation? Beyond Inquirers is a five-session series on the Faith Forward Path focused on the congregation and you – offering a deeper understanding of how the congregation works and how you can be part of it. … Continue reading Beyond Inquirers

Roots- Faith Forward

Roots is a brief introduction to Unitarian Universalist ideas and history, and is recommended for inquirers on our Faith Forward Path. It is offered quarterly Sunday mornings, and the next opportunity to participate is Sunday, March 8, 2020 at 9:15am in the sanctuary. The session will be facilitated by Judy Stettner. Join us as we … Continue reading Roots- Faith Forward

Book Study

Beginning January 27th at 7:00 pm, Lou Ness is hosting a group for anyone interested in studying Karen Armstrong’s new book, “The Lost Art of Scripture.” The Armstrong book has been highly reviewed, well researched and offers a new way of considering the history and intention of the Scriptures. In the first meeting members will … Continue reading Book Study

Climate Change/Climate Justice comes to Religious Education in 2020

Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation in McHenry, IL is pleased to announce that our 4-12th grade students will be studying Climate Change/Climate justice in 2020. Topics will include: Food Supply, Human Health, Immigration, Energy, Transportation, and much, much more. Using curricula from the Unitarian Universalist Association and Alliance for Climate Education in combination with … Continue reading Climate Change/Climate Justice comes to Religious Education in 2020

Where Does All this Stuff Come From, Anyway?

Sunday, December 15, 2019, 10:45am Our Faithful Footsteps students have been challenged to look around in stores and neighborhoods at the symbols that surround us this Christmas season. Please join us as we share with you what we learned about the origins of all this stuff!