Join us for our Easter service with guest speaker, Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt. This has been a hard year, and in some ways it’s hard to imagine how things will ever really get better. Join us this week as we celebrate anyway in story, song, and sermon the power of life and love over death and hate.
Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt grew up attending the Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church in Bethesda, Maryland. She has a Bachelor of Arts in music from McDaniel College, a Master of Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington DC, and has served congregations in Texas, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and California. She, her husband, and their four boys live in Olney, Maryland and she now serves as minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring, just a 15 minute drive from where she grew up. Apart from ministry, Rev. Kristin enjoys cooking, baking, reading, singing, and all things Star Trek and sci-fi.
- Speaker: Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt
- Worship Leader: Ron Relic
- Chalice Lighter: Carol Alfus
- Music: Billy Seger & Cassandra Vohs-Demann
- Story for all Ages: Easter and One of Its Stories
Did you miss this service? You can watch it here.